Change Log

Explore our latest updates, featuring a detailed log of enhancements, fixes, and new features.

  • Hybrid Builds for tiled builds now available.

  • Unlimited Tiled Build sizes.

  • Undo now available.

  • Build and Crop (up to 16K) now available in Build options.

  • New Lazy Menu (press ~).

  • Trees node (formerly Arboreal in Gaea 1) added.

  • New Snow 2.0 node with directional melt.

  • New Snow Dusting node.

  • Erosion2 now uses GPU for faster processing.

  • Contours node added.

  • Cartography node added.

  • New TileInput node.

  • Mixer node UI heavily improved.

  • Visualize dead zones in Tree node.

  • Data View node tree improved. Filters now available.

  • BREAKING: Flow Map node is now Flow Map Classic and Flow Map by default is the new Flow Map 2.

  • BREAKING: Insert and Embed modes moved from Combine to Transpose node.

  • Additional settings available in Options dialog.

  • Viewport background color can now be changed.

  • Skybox Aerial Perspective improved.

  • Save/Load camera position.

  • Baking improvements.

  • Improvements to the Painter node.

  • SlopeBlur can accept Color input.

  • New SatMaps (work in progress).

  • New shortcuts: F8 for Combine nodes, Ctrl + F8 for Mixer.

  • Color nodes automatically detect nearest Underlay, unless you specify one explicitly. This means no need to connect an additional Height node.

  • File node adds supports for SVG, HDR, EPS, EMF, DDS, DNG, BMP, MIFF, RGB, and WEBP.

  • File node reading made more robust.

  • Dropping a file on the File node's filename property can change file.

  • Dropped file will be automatically recognized as RGB as required.

  • Double-clicking a node allows you to cycle through different node states.

  • Added confirmation before converting Group to Graph Tab.

  • Enable GPU-compute by default.

  • All GPU nodes fallback to CPU if GPU fails or runs out of memory.

  • ColorErosion defaults improved.

  • Tint node defaults changed to be more versatile.

  • Hillify node defaults improved.

  • Data View toolbar shows Locked Preview and Underlay node.

  • Improvements to the Synth node.

  • FIX: Preset search would work incorrectly in some situations.

  • FIX: 2D Viewport would not work in some situations.

  • FIX: SatMap Reverse mode was broken.

  • FIX: Zooming out of the graph could break.

  • FIX: SatMap could crash when switching libraries.

  • FIX: Lighting would not update when switching resolutions.

  • FIX: Rare crash when switching resolutions.

  • Several dozen other bugs fixed.

  • New Transpose node to copy surface from one terrain to another.

  • New Draw node (Experimental).

  • New Synth node to generate gradient maps from any bitmap or color input.

  • New Cone node.

  • New Volcano node.

  • New Weathering color node added.

  • New Direction melt mode in Snow node.

  • Locked Preview and Underlay node now shown in Data View area.

  • Options dialog expanded.

  • Sandstone node improved with multiple pass option and better stability.

  • Added Chipping option in Sandstone.

  • Multiplier option added to Bomber.

  • Inhibition mask added to Bomber.

  • TextureBase improved for speed and flow data quality.

  • Filter nodes now support color maps.

  • Color nodes now don't need height reference, unless to override. It will use nearest heightfield or Underlay.

  • New License authorization system to make activation easier.

  • GPU devices are now enabled by default upon install. You can disable them in Options.

  • Z shortcut for Gizmos now available.

  • Portals menu improved.

  • Skybox is now available.

  • Gaea will revert to Community Edition upon license expiration or failure.

  • Links to install Gaea2Houdini and Gaea2Unreal plugins in Tools menu.

  • Node tooltip now shows validation errors when a node fails.

  • Benchmark format improved.

  • Most modifiers now support color maps.

  • Combine Diff2 and Divide2 added to mimic Gaea 1 behavior.

  • Height modifier defaults improved.

  • Normal Map processing improved.

  • FIX: When saving-as the baked cache is copied over to the new file.

  • FIX: Many shortcuts would not work when Viewport was focused.

  • FIX: Replacing a node could cause incorrect connection on next node.

  • FIX: Renaming graphs is now available.

  • FIX: Presets are available in Node Search directly.

  • FIX: Connections are rerouted properly when a node is delated.

  • FIX: Prevent secondary windows from staying open when Gaea is closed.

  • FIX: Random SatMap was not chosen when a new node was created.

  • FIX: Crash when copying nodes.

  • FIX: Group element related file corruption.

  • FIX: Range sliders behavior was not correct.

  • FIX: Individual node property's Reset menu was not working.

  • FIX: Range Slider would not accept text input.

  • FIX: Combine clamp was working incorrectly.

  • FIX: Combine Diff mode fixed.

  • FIX: Rare bug that crashed Gaea during hardware detection.

  • FIX: Blur modifier value was not strong enough.

  • FIX: F8 for MultiMix did not work.

  • FIX: Autosave failure could crash Gaea.

  • FIX: Normal Map could crash Gaea.

  • FIX: RGBSplit was broken.

  • FIX: Combining out-to-out nodes could sometimes put the node out of graph.

  • FIX: Added a confirmation dialog when converting a Group to a Graph Tab.

  • Several XPU fixes and improvements.

  • New ColorErosion node.

  • New SuperColor node.

  • New Mixer node.

  • New Soil Map node.

  • New Match node.

  • Sediments node improved.

  • Input preservation fixed in Noise node.

  • Incorrect scale fixed in Pockmarks node.

  • Node commands now show up in the Property area toolbar.

  • LightX would not show color visualization correctly.

  • Double-click .terrain files to open in Gaea 2.

  • Seamless node now allows tiling preview in viewport.

  • Seamless node also allows color preview when attached.

  • VariableBlur fixed.

  • Fixed a major shape-size bug in Craggy node.

  • Warp, Flip, Autolevel, Equalize, Threshold, Blur, and most other adjustments now support color.

  • Hybrid Build options simplified.

  • Build Options window redesigned for better access.

  • Object Snapping improved in Graph area.

  • Added command to ignore node when looking for automatic underlay.

  • Added node icon for Underlay.

  • Several nodes re-organized into different families.

  • Sky Editor moved to viewport toolbar.

  • Added context menu for node connections.

  • Search now shows presets when _ (underscore) is typed.

  • Fixed a bug to allow older presets to be loaded without crashing.

  • Fixed a bug that would allow locked group items to be moved.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented resolution to be reset on New File.

  • Spread node merged into Noise node as "Micro" noise.

  • Over 50 internal bug fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed a critical regression in Blur that prevent resolution independence.

  • Fixed a critical bug in Blur and any nodes that relied on Blur.

  • Added option to always show Mask port on compatible nodes.

  • New Outcrops node.

  • New Stones node.

  • New Hemisphere node.

  • New Shear node.

  • New Shatter node.

  • New Steps node.

  • New Surfacer node. (Known as Surface in Gaea 1.3)

  • New modes in Data Extractor node.

  • Curve node output improved.

  • File node now supports relative paths.

  • Linear Gamma enforcement added to File node.

  • Combiner node bugfixes for Subtract and Difference modes.

  • Combiner node now respects Clamp directive.

  • Modifiers stack refined.

  • EasyErosion modes improved.

  • New Height Remap modifier replaces Multiplier.

  • SoftClip removed from LightX Render node.

  • Height option added to Gradient nodes.

  • Craggy node size reversed for better sync with shape.

  • Vertical dilation added to Dilate node.

  • Improved node validation for complex graphs.

  • Added a chart to visualize data in Statistics window.

  • Added meter notation to Terrain Definition in Build Settings.

  • Unreal Node now supports easier naming/prefix selection.

  • Node Family menu improved.

  • Blur speed improvement on CPU and GPU.

  • Experimental GPU mode added to Median blur.

  • New Sun control in Sky Editor.

  • Sky Editor easier to access from Viewport toolbar.

  • Removed "Sun Sphere" from viewport.

  • Fixed several bugs in Sky editor.

  • Fixed a bug in Bomber High Quality mode.

  • Fixed a bug in Editor property visibility.

  • Fixed Tab toggle shortcuts.

  • Fixed a bug in Sand node Warp By Terrain option.

  • Fixed a bug in Rugged node where terrain would go below the ground.

  • Fixed a bug where filenames would be truncated incorrectly in File node.

  • Fixed a bug where duplicated nodes would lose connections on reload.

  • Fixed a bug where Craterfield would unnecessarily increase terrain height.

  • Fixed a bug where bypassed nodes would break expected behavior of chain.

  • Fixed a bug where replacing a node would break expected behavior of chain.

  • Several minor and rare bugs fixed.

  • Mesher would not export non-optimized meshes.

  • File node improved.

  • Fixed file node crashes.

  • Resetting Transform node would break some properties.

  • Height option added to Mountain node.

  • New style for Viewport.

  • Fixed floating viewport window style.

  • Fixed an issue in Erosion2 not processing properly.

  • Fixed a critical bug that caused several nodes' UI to stop functioning.

  • File node would crash in some instances.

  • Layers node added for blending multiple nodes with multiple masks.

  • Fixed issues with the Build Path.

  • Obsolete Erosion parameter removed from Craggy.

  • Gizmo in Radial Gradient was inverted.

  • Transform Gizmo would break the node.

  • OffsetZ temporarily removed from Transform node.

  • Fixed a critical bug in Mask node.

  • Several internal fixes.

  • Added support for Gaea2Houdini plugin.

  • Mask port is now available in all nodes. Drop connection on center of node to expose.

  • Mask node fixed.

  • Fixed 2D Viewport added to the main viewport area.

  • Autosave toolbar menu now populates the last 5 autosaves.

  • Undo recording (work-in-progress) works. Actual undo is coming up in a near future build.

  • Bypass node command now works properly.

  • Build Settings window improved.

  • World Dimension settings added to Build Settings window.

  • Build option now directly available from the Build tab in the Data View.

  • Shift-Drag on multi-thumb slider did not behave properly.

  • New Plates node.

  • TextureBase improved.

  • Data Extractor node added to extract data from other nodes such as Modifier mask.

  • New Modifiers - Blur, Equalizer, Threshold, Warp, and Influence.

  • Modifiers would not be preserved when restoring a node.

  • Modifiers would not be preserved when replacing a node.

  • Renderer improved in CPU mode.

  • Hills node simplified.

  • SlopeBlur fixed.

  • Option to hide Advanced tools in Options menu.

  • Gizmo behavior regression fixed.

  • Equalizer node added.

  • Equalizer option added to Adjust node.

  • 2D Map viewer navigation improved.

  • Exportable Nodes view improved for readability.

  • Fixed several crashes in the UI.

  • Fixed several issues with the engine.

  • Several performance improvements through the application.

  • Support for Gaea Unreal Tools

  • New redesigned Curve node.

  • Central Overwrite mode for builds.

  • Latest Build folder option for incremental builds.

  • Baked color nodes would load incorrectly.

  • Post-Build Script commands.

  • XPU improvements.

  • Several graph bug fixes.

  • Further internal engine updates for upcoming Hybrid Builds.

  • Improved support for AMD devices.

  • Build Settings window improved.

  • Added support for viewport on second screen or as floating window.

  • Thermal2 algorithm improved.

  • Thermal2 now supports Sediment Removal.

  • GPU/XPU engine improvements.

  • Added fallback/retry mechanism to switch to CPU if GPU fails or runs out of memory.

  • Gizmo behavior has been improved. Further improvements are coming.

  • Gizmos are now optional, and can be toggled from the property editor toolbar.

  • HSL node was broken.

  • Gamma node was broken.

  • Classic mode added to Distance node.

  • Snow Gizmo behavior was incorrect.

  • Origami was incorrectly categorized in Color nodes.

  • Group icon and color menus were not working.

  • Combine Square Root and Divide modes fixed.

  • Combine UI improved for faster mode selection.

  • Copy/Paste shortcuts were not working.

  • Fixed several issues with Build Swarm, especially with incorrect resolutions.

  • Import Graph (.terrain) command added.

  • Import/Export Graph Fragment (.tfrag) files.

  • Image import menu command added.

  • Lots of ground-work for the upcoming Hybrid Builds.

  • Improved several aspects of the main and secondary UI.


  • Several critical fixes for license activation.

  • New viewport gizmos for managing nodes such as Perlin, Radial Gradient, Transform, and more.

  • Sun sunlight modification gizmo.

  • Menus visually improved to distinguish from buttons.

  • Improved UI for Build Swarm.

  • Post-build reports in Build Swarm in UI, JSON file, and plain text.

  • Min/Max Modifiers in Modifiers stack were broken.

  • License issue prevented Gaea from running in some cases.

  • Build Swarm would default to 1024 x 1024 resolution.

  • Render modes merged into a single menu item to save space.

  • Connections would not draw correctly on reconnecting some nodes.

  • Deleting a Preview Locked node would crash Gaea.

  • Graph Search would show up outside of the Graph.

  • Terrace Steepness restored. Node works exactly as in Gaea 1.0.

  • Swirl was not resolution independent.

  • Curvature Map was incorrect.

  • Improved handling of GPU devices.

  • Several other minor fixes.


  • Fixed an issue where Build Swarm would not run.

  • Fixed an issue where license would not be recognized in some rare cases.

  • Erosion1 was not working correctly.

  • Halftone node added.

  • Diagnostics and Benchmark would not work in some cases.

  • Fixed several issues reported in Build Swarm.

  • Important stability fixes.


  • Major improvements throughout the engine.

  • Support for CPU and GPU acceleration.

  • Several new nodes added.

  • Baking and Caching enabled.

  • Foundational support for Hybrid Builds (coming soon).

  • F4 now allows node layout as in Gaea 1.0.

  • Automatic updater added.

  • Camera panning broke when viewport was rotated.

  • Diagnostics app improved with new options and benchmarks.

  • Double-clicking node in Data View selects the node in the Graph.

  • Export now ensures output is clamped.

  • Fast load through cached previews.

  • Fixed issues with connecting nodes in some situations.

  • Gaea would not work on non-English installations of windows.

  • Graph toolbar button for port and portals manipulation.

  • Improved licensing so activations are not exhausted quickly.

  • New licensing system, with ability to release license.

  • Portal available in Search.

  • Prevent values beyond 0..1, unless explicitly chosen.

  • Preview Resolution menu now also available at the top of the window.

  • Signed distributable to avoid antivirus issues.

  • Viewport navigation buttons were not assigned properly.


  • Canyon: Obsolete Width property removed.

  • Constant: Obsolete Iterations property removed.

  • Debris: New node.

  • Dilate: Node was not working properly.

  • Export: Node improved.

  • Extend: Node was not working properly.

  • Flip: Node was not working properly.

  • LineNoise: Clamp fixed.

  • MountainSide: Erosion added to the primitive.

  • MountainSide: Redesigned node now fully functional.

  • Noise: Fixed property visibility based on mode.

  • Primitives: All primitives will now respect the primary input as a mask.

  • Recurve: Improved model.

  • SoftClip: Node was not working properly.

  • Swirl: Intensity removed. Use Multiplier modifier instead.

  • Terraces: Obsolete SoftFalloff and Steepness removed.

  • Thermal2: New node.

  • ThermalShaper: Influence was not working.

  • Unity: New node.

  • Unreal: 8K resolution now available.

  • Warp: Modulation was not working properly.

Last updated